Teamspeak is a programm to chat (via voice) while driving...
Very comfortable.
So download the programm at's for free... all you need is a microphone (to chat) and a speaker (to listen)
Quick Tutorial for TS2 (English version)
1. Start TS2
2. Click "Connection"
3. Click "Connect"
4. Press "Web Server List"
5. Press "Change Filter"
6. In "Server Name Filter" enter "dvil" one of the fields and hit "OK"
7. The Dvil Server should appear (when it's online!)
8. Mark the server and hit "Copy to local Adressbook"
9. Switch back to Local Adressbook, mark the server
and enter the following stuff as shown in the screenshot.
10. Click "Connect"
11. Welcome on the Dvil-Server!Ok... hope to see you there!
cheers... gerth
The Dvil-Server:Name:Dvil>Powaaaa