Hello Guys,
my name's Freddy and i play since 2007 in TrackMania Sunrise.
Since there to be a DviL for me was specialy; it's a like a big family with many great players and characters. I have always wanted to be a part of this family but that wasn't easy as I thought. So now I'm taking my next run-up and hope I'll have some success
Well, I really know 'n like many players of DviL and have already asked them wether I may join the clan. As I heard, after Loko had gone, that Mike is the new Leader I asked him to join where I had to do dome driving tests. And I think I'm really not as good as him or even better, but I'm a good driver, Noslide as well as Slide. So I think now it's up to you Members.
Because I actually don't know anymore, what to write else here^^ If anyone has a question about me: just ask
or add me in game. My Login is
freddy_mountainPS: Sorry for some mistakes if any; I'm german
Yours sincerely
Freddy Mountain